L'antologia di "Villancisos de diversos autores...", pubblicata a Venezia nel 1556, raccoglie quanto in uso nella raffinata corte valenciana di Ferdinando d'Aragona, duca di Calabria e in seguito vicerè di Valencia, nel secondo quarto del '500. 

Riscoperta nei primi anni del '900 nella biblioteca dell'Università di Uppsala, contiene 54 composizioni polifoniche vocali sia di ambito sacro – molte legate alla Natività – sia profano, oltre a 8 duo strumentali e 8 cantus firmi: tutti i brani, tranne in un caso in cui compare il nome di Gombert, sono anonimi, anche se in alcuni casi è possibile ipotizzare una attribuzione attraverso concordanze con altre fonti o analogie stilistiche. È quindi nota sotto il nome di Cancionero del Duca di Calabria o Cancionero di Uppsala. 

Lo stile delle composizioni vocali è diretta eredità di quello del Cancionero de Palacio, compilato negli ultimi decenni del '400, costituito da Villancicos, raffinati brani polifonici di corte di derivazione popolare. Nel programma i brani vocali, con testi per la maggior parte in Castigliano e qualche presenza di Catalano e Galiziano, sono intercalati con composizioni strumentali di ambiente culturale spagnolo. 

Gli strumenti utilizzati sono la vihuela e le viole da gamba, strumenti legati, a dispetto di un suono molto diverso, da una stretta parentela, con le seconde "figlie" della prima. La vihuela infatti, strumento peculiarmente spagnolo, è all'origine – con l’arrivo della corte valenciana di Rodrigo Borja, Papa Alessandro VI – dell'italiana viola da gamba. L'organico utilizzato prevede, a favore della varietà timbrica e dell'intelleggibilità dei testi, la sostituzione delle voci inferiori con strumenti, così come ampiamente documentato negli usi dell'epoca, e l’inserimento delle percussioni a sottolineare le atmosfere dello spettacolo, in una interpretazione creativa e colorita. Minimi gli interventi sulle musiche, quasi esclusivamente riservati alle alterazioni richieste dalle regole della polifonia, che gli autori erano soliti sottintendere. 

The anthology of "Villancisos de diversos autores...", published in Venice in 1556, collects what was in use in the refined Valencian court of Ferdinand of Aragon, the Duke of Calabria and later the Viceroy of Valencia, in the second quarter of the '500. 

Rediscovered ​discovered in the early 1900s in the uppsala university library Uppsala's library, it contains 54 polyphonic vocal compositions, both sacred - many linked to the Nativity - and profane, 8 instrumental duos and 8 cantus firmi: all songs, except in one case in which Gombert's name appears, are anonymous, even if in some cases it is possible to hypothesize an attribution through concordance with other sources or stylistic analogies. It is therefore known under the name of The Duke of Calabria's Cancionero or The Cancionero of Uppsala. 

The style of vocal compositions is a direct inheritance from The Cancionero de Palacio, compiled in the last decades of the 15th century, consisting of Villancicos, refined polyphonic pieces of court and popular derivation. The music vocal passages, with lyrics mostly in Castilian, and with few additions of Catalan and Galician words, are interspersed with instrumental compositions of Spanish cultural origin, operating in Spain or in the Kingdom of Naples in the same period. 

The instruments used are the vihuela and the violas da gamba that, in spite of a very different sound, are bounded instruments with a close kinship, the second being "daughters" of the first. The vihuela, in fact, a peculiarly Spanish instrument, is the origin - with the arrival of the Valencian court of Rodrigo Borja, Pope Alexander VI - of the Italian viola da gamba. The system used provides, in favor of the timbre variety and the intelligibility of the lyrics, the substitution of the lower voices with instruments, as widely historically documented. The interventions on music are extremely limited, reserved almost exclusively for alterations required by the polyphonic rules, which the authors used to imply. 

Die Anthologie "Villancicos de diversos autores..." wurde im Jahre 1556 in Venedig veröffentlicht und beinhaltet die gesammelten Werke, die am Hofe Ferdinandos von Aragona gespielt wurden – dem Herzog von Kalabrien und Vizekönig von Valencia in der ersten Sie wurde 1906 in der Bibliothek von Uppsala wiederentdeckt, enthält ​vierundfünfzig polyfone sakrale und weltliche Kompositionen, acht Instrumentalduos und 8 Cantus firmi, deren Komponisten nicht überliefert sind (außer in einem Fall, in dem der Name Gombert auftaucht) – und ist unter dem Namen „Liedersammlung des Herzogs von Kalabrien“ oder „Liedersammlung Das Programm umfasst sowohl Lieder mit Texten in Kastilisch, Katalanisch und Galizisch, als auch instrumentelle Kompositionen der spanischen Musikkultur. 

Der Stil der Vokalkompositionen folgt in direkter Linie der „Liedersammlung des Palacio“, die Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts aus „Villancicos“, den polyfonen Hofgesängen ländlichen Ursprungs, zusammengestellt wurde.

Die Instrumente, die wir im Konzert spielen, die Vihuela und die Gambe, sind verwandt, aber haben sehr verschiedene Klänge: die spanische Vihuela ist ein Vorfahre der italienischen Viola da Gamba und kam zusammen mit dem Valencianischen Hof Rodrigo Borjas, dem damaligen Papst Alexander VI, nach Italien.
Um die klangliche Vielfalt zu erhöhen und um den Liedtext verständlicher zu machen, haben wir die unteren Stimmen durch Instrumente ersetzt, wie es aus dieser Epoche dokumentiert ist.
Darüber hinaus haben wir Schlaginstrumente hinzugefügt, um die Atmosphäre des Theaterstücks hervorzuheben und eigene Interpretationen einzubringen.
Die Eingriffe in die Musik sind minimal und beschränkten sich auf Änderungen, die erforderlich sind, um den Regeln der Polyfonie gerecht zu werden.

Como puedo yo bivir 
Si el Remedio tras que ando 
No tiene como ni quando.
El como no puedo avello quando no sa desperar.
Mas ay siempre en mi pesar quando y como padeçello.
Como podre sostello  Siel Remedio tras que ando 
No tiene como ni quando.

How can I live if the consolation which I am seeking 
has neither a ‘how’ nor a ‘when’?
The ‘how’ you cannot discover, the ‘when’ cannot be hoped for.
But in my thoughts there is always the 'when' and the 'how' to endure it. 
How will I keep going if the consolation which I am seeking 
has neither a ‘how’ nor a ‘when’?  

Con que la lavarla flor de la mi cara
Con que la lavare que bivo mal penada
Lavanse las casadas Con agua de limones.
Lavome yo cuitada con penas y dolores
Con que la lavaré Que bivo mal penada.

With what shall I wash the bloom of my face? 
With what shall I wash it, me who lives in great suffering?
Married girls wash their faces with water from lemons.
I, so afflicted, wash my face with pain and misery. 
With what shall I wash my face, me, who lives in great suffering?  

E  la don don, Verges Maria
E la don don, peu cap de san que que nos dansaron
E la don don…
O garçons aquesta nit Una verges na parit
Un fillo ques tro polit Que non au tan en lo mon
E la don don...
Digas nos qui to la dit que Verges na ya parit
Que nos may avem ausit Lo que tu diu giran tom
E la don don...
A eo dian los argeus Que cantaven alta veus
La grolla necelsis Deus Quen belem lo trobaron
E la don don...
Per señau nos an birat Que verets enbolicat
De drapets molt mal faxat Lo ver diu petit garçon
E la don don...
Vin perot ya diu veray Ya la verge sa may
Un sorron li porteray Que sera ple de coucom
E la don don...
Ara canta tu beltran Per amor deu sant Infan
Y apres cantara Joan Y donar nos an coucom
E la don don...
Ube cantare sus dich Per Jeus mon bon amich
Que nos sauvara la nit De tot mal quan hom fedorm
E la don don…

E la don don, Virgin Mary, 
E la don don, we will dance as long as we can! 
E la don don...
Oh, people, this night a virgin gave birth 
to a child so fine, there’s no equal on earth. 
E la don don...
Tell us who told you that a virgin gave birth, 
for we never heard such a thing, good sir. 
E la don don...
The angels sang glory to God in the the highest, 
for in Bethlehem town the child was found. 
E la don don...
Through signs we were told that truth would be wrapped 
in a worn old blanket, a small boy, the true God. 
E la don don...
Peter comes near and to God and the Virgin 
he brings a bundle that is full of treats. 
E la don don...
Now Father Beltran will sing for love of the Holy Child 
and after, John will sing and then they’ll give us sweets. 
E la don don...
He will sing his song for Jesus my good friend 
who will guard us from all harm while we sleep through the night. 
E la don don...  

Falalalan falan falalalera
falalalan de la guardarriera
Quando yo me vengo de guardar ganado
todos me lo dizen pedro el desposado
Ala he si soy con la hija de nostramo
questa sortijuela ella me la diera.
Alla rriba rriba / En val de roncales
Tengo yo mi esca / Y mis pedernales
Y mi çurronçito / De çiervos cervales
Hago yo mi lumbre / Siento medo quiera.
Viene la quaresma / Yo no como nada
No como sardina / Ni cosa salada
De quanto yo quiero / No se haze nada
Migas con azeyte / Hacen me dentera.

Falalalan falan falalalera 
Falalalan of the shepherd!
When I return from guarding the animals, 
everyone calls me Pedro the betrothed. 
Listen! I am with my master’s daughter 
who gave me this little ring. 
Up, up there in the Valley of Roncales, 
there I have my tinder and my flints 
and my little deerskin bag. 
I light my fire, and I feel that I could be anywhere. 
When Lent comes I eat nothing: 
I don’t eat sardines, nor any savouries. 
That which I so desire, there is none. 
The thought of breadcrumbs with oil makes me shiver. 

Gozate virgen sagrada 
pues tu sola merciste 
Ser madre del que pariste.
O bendita sin medida Madre del que te crio.
Ante secula escogida De Dios que de ti nasçio.
A madre jamas sedio La graçia que tu tuviste
Ser madre del que pariste.

Rejoice, Holy Virgin, 
because you alone have deserved 
to be the mother of him whom you bore.
O blessed beyond all measure Mother of him who created you,
chosen before all time by God, who was born through you.
Never before was given to a mother the honour that you had, 
to be mother of him whom you bore. 

Vella de vos son amoros ya fosseu mia
sempre sospir quant pens en vos la nit y dia
Ya may estich punt ni moment sens contemplar vos
fora de tot mon sentiment vaix per amar vos
Daume valença puix podeu Señora mia
puix en vos es tot lo meu be La nit y dia
Vos heretau tot lo meu be Tanta quem dura
Si nom voleu prest me veureu En sepoltura
Del meu mal quin be haureu Anima mia
Per defugir lo dany que feu, Siau me vos guia.
Veix me de vos pres y lligat Luny desperança
ayaume dons pietat Sens mes tardança
Puix vuestre so plangues a deu Vos fosseu mia
Car lo mal que sentir me feu Nol sentiria.

My beautiful one, I've fallen in love with you, I wish you were mine! 
I can't help but sigh when I think of you, night and day.
I cannot rest unless I get to see you. 
I'm completely out of my mind, madly in love with you. 
Help me at last, for only you can, my lady, 
because all my joy resides in you, night and day.
You can have my everything, all the things I own. 
If you don't want me at all, I'll soon end up in a grave. 
What good would you gain from my pain, my dearest soul? 
To avert the evil you've caused, Do become my guide.
I feel completely deprived without you, devoid of any hope.
You must take pity on my plight, then no more delays. 
I’m yours, and by God’s will I wish you were mine, 
because my suffering would just disappear.   

Que farem del pobre Ioan 
Sa muller se nes anada lloat sia deu Ahont la nirem sercar
Al hostal de la vehina lloat sia deu
Y digau lo meu vehi ma muller si laveu vista lloat sia deu 
per ma fe lo meu vehi
tres Iorns ha que no le vista lloat sia deu
esta nit ab mi sopa 
yen tant ses transfigurada lloat sia deu 
Ell sen torn a son hostal
troba sos Infans que ploren lloat sia deu
No ploreu los meus Infans 
O mala dona rreprovada lloat sia deu. 

What shall we do with poor Juan! 
His wife has left, - Praise the Lord! - where shall we look for her? 
At the neighbour's house! - Praise the Lord! -
I asked my neighbour: Have you seen my wife? - Praise the Lord! - 
Upon my word, my neighbour, 
I haven't seen her for three days! - Praise the Lord! - 
Tonight she dined with me 
and by then she had changed her appearance - Praise the Lord! - 
He returned to his home 
and found his children crying. - Praise the Lord! - 
Weep not, my children! 
Oh sinful woman - Praise the Lord! -